Cultural Patterns

22nd October- 20 November 2022

TRACING HUMAN, SPACES and IMAGINATION IN TIME through photography through the lens of urbanism, environmentalism, and wildlife.

Cultural patterns are traces of similar human behavior such as social practices, beliefs and values in relation to spaces and time. Photography allows us to express our ideas, connect to the world, record history,  and see beauty in everyday life. As photographers, we believe it’s very crucial to have a platform that acknowledges, nurtures, and celebrates the artform. 

Dar Foto Festival does so by highlighting photographs that tell stories of human life in the urban, environmental issues and beauty of the wildlife through the eyes of 16 selected photographers from Tanzania and from across East Africa.

Exhibited artists

Bhavna Pandya-Barratt
Keith Nathan
Hussein Mussa
Mark Maganga
Filbert Deus Kissengar
Sara Hemed
Severine Justine
Abdul Hafidhi
Joshua Mwemsi
Mohamed Abdulrahman
Emmanuel Obuobi
Tiecoura N’Daou
Sankara Yambo
Rita Harper
Antony Trivet
Hebron Geoffrey

Partners and sponsors

Dar es Salaam Centre for Architectural Heritage (DARCH)
Everyday Tanzania
Imani Nsamila
Artists in Fantasy